Wednesday, November 10, 2010

No Hablo Ingles Hijo de Puta

     Here's another problem with our country that our President just can't seem to fix or get under control.  But in his defense, there is no real answer.  Illegal immigration.  Yes, my great great-grandparents came over from another country.  Yes, they were immigrants, but they came here legally.  I am all for immigration but it needs to be done legally.  I understand that even though we have many problems in our country, high unemployment, a few high crime areas, it is nothing compared to some other countries. Afghanistan and Liberia have an unemployment rate more than double ours now at 15%!  Countries with murder rates doubled than ours: Russia, Mexico and the most deadliest city to live in...Caracus Venezuela.  So even though times are tough here, there are much worse places to be.  So I understand why people want to come here, just do it illegally.  By legally becoming an American citizen, you can contribute to our country by paying taxes...that is until the Fair Tax takes over.  Once that happens, it doesn't matter who you are, this country will get the taxes not just from the hard working man, but from the illegal aliens, the non-tax paying politicians who think they don't have to pay and the hard working pimps out there who don't pay taxes on their women they work so hard!  Anyway, here he is.  TCY himself:

Ok, it's time to talk about the illegal army that has taken up residence in our country, taking our jobs and draining our resources.  Yes the ever-advancing swarm from the south.  Now don't get me wrong, I believe that this country was made great on the backs of hard working immigrants from all over the world coming here to build a future as Americans.  Allow me to give you all some examples of the differences.
In the past, people would want to come here to the big melting pot to become Americans. Today, to often people are coming here not to be Americans, but instead to try to claim for themselves a new country that they believe they are owed. To address these people I say, “Our ancestors killed your ancestors fair and square to win for us a new great nation. Now if need be, I can see history repeating it self. They can and will eventually be defeated as with any other invading army has been defeated.”
            There is a right way of coming to America and to take part in the American dream. My relatives came over in the 30’s; they had to have sponsors that promised the government that the new incomers would have a place to live and a job so as not to be a drain on society. They also came here not to be Italians or Polish or Germans or what have you. They came here to be Americans. Not hyphenated Americans, i.e. Italian- American, Polish- American, fill in the blank. They taught their children English. "ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT?"  They taught them the ways of the old country, but also made sure they knew why America was better.
WE don't see this love of country today. We see  people wanting handouts and benifits and their language spoken everywhere, written even on a ballot. BULLSHIT!!!! If you don't try to speak our language don't even try to pick our leaders.  This doesn't apply to all immigrants obviously, but where is the outcry from the good legal immigrants?  And where my friend is the loyalty of the American? Do you hire American landscapers? Do you go to American owned stores and gas stations? Yeah, you’re damn right they're hard to find!  It's going to get harder. Do you rent to illegals or even check to see if they are legal?
We all have a part to play in this. Do yours, I'll do mine, and this problem will go away. Peacefully. If they can't find jobs, can't rent homes, can't open successful business, they'll go home.

Fight back

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