Friday, September 14, 2012

He's Back!!!

He's BACK!!!

     Yes, it is true.  The Crankee Yankee has returned after a long hiatus.  But don’t worry; he is back with a vengeance!  With these attacks going on, I agree with TCY that something needs to be done, and even agree to give terrorists a taste of their own medicine, but not exactly the way he suggests.  First, if you don’t know what’s going on, over in Africa, here is a link to get you refreshed.
Here’s another link for what’s going on in Cairo.

The Crankee says. . .
9/11, the U.S.  suffered yet another attack from Muslims.  There is no need to call them extremist because that would be redundant. Don’t stand there and tell me that it is a small group of extremist that performed this attack on sovereign U.S.  land (the embassy), when the TV is showing hundreds of people protesting against America.
This is happening all over the world.  Why our government doesn’t understand that there is a holy war going on is beyond believe. The fact that the U.S. chooses not to participate in a holy war doesn’t make the fact that there has been one waging against us.
Fellow Americans, The Crankee, as always, has the answer that makes this go away. We have to fight on their terms. This is what they understand, this is what they respect. So here it is…..
                You want terrorism to rule the day, here’s how we play. The day after the attack on our embassy I would have targeted every elementary school house in that country for a missile attack to take place at 11:00am.  Extreme? You bet it is. This is however how we need to fight if we want to win this. Killing men who strap bombs to their own chest makes martyrs.  Killing the innocent makes mourners.  It has to hurt. There has to be such a big penalty for killing Americans that no one would dare think to try it ever again.
                A man might be willing to die for a cause; few are willing to kill their children for the same cause. Besides they are only teaching the kids to become the next generation of terrorist, so bombing schools makes good sense.  It kills off the next generation of weird beards.
Time to get mad
The Crankee Yankee

                As I do believe in retaliation, bombing innocent children is not the right way to go.  Let’s just say, President Obama grows a big ol’ pair of nutz and pushes the red button to launch every missle we have over there and disintegrates every little American hating kid.  I think that would just divide our country up and start another civil war here.  I think your idea of fighting fire with fire is right on the mark, but just not at the kids directly.  I understand that the enemy wants to and has killed Americans, then it's time to do what we do best and Kick Their Ass.  Just not the children directly.  I personally am all for dropping our vast supply of Nukes.  It ended the war with Japan pretty fucking quickly.  But what do I know.  I’m just a guy who gets the Crankee’s rants out to the general public.   

1 comment:

Arctic Char said...

A passionate column and on the right track. I agree with your premise that a little more thought should be given to a gut reaction. Here's my take.....

When Bush gave his statement after 9/11, it was filled with passion, conviction and confined rage. It gave the country reassurance and hope.

I'm surprised that Obama didn't yawn in the middle of his dispassionate, unenthusiastic, insincere ramblings. And then all the Poofters and minorities on MSDNC and the hags on DNCNN are all over Romney. Ann Coulter pointed out that Obama's fan club - the press - are enraged at Romney's comments because his made their man's comments look limp-wristed.

I loved how he said, "I have instructed MY administration..." NO, you half-American, half-assed dipshit, y'all are ALL Civil Servants who work for We, the People. It's not YOUR administration, it's OURS. As worthless as it is, it's still ours. And poor Hillary, bless her heart, she looks worse every day. There must be a Golden Corral across the street from her office because she has faded away to a mountain.

So he sends in 50 Marines? Jesus, Mary and Joseph, send in a battalion. To clean up after they drop The Bomb.

Fortunately, I have the answer.

With the economy in the crapper, there must be hundreds of Mississippi River barges that aren't in use. Tow them over to the Mediterranean coast off Egypt. Round up all the people who are sympathetic to the American cause and load them safely onto the barges.

Next, level the country. Well, it's already as flat like a sandbox, so I guess make a crater out of the country large enough to be visible from the moon. Wipe them all out.

Then sink the barges.