Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ronald Post - Too Fat to Execute???

HaHa, Can't Kill Me, I'm too Fat, Now Get Me a Cheeseburger Pussy!!!

            Yep, you read that correctly.  There is a dude in our country that has been in prison for 30 years and is sentenced to death January, 2013 but due to his weight, it most likely won’t happen.  They say his fatness is preventing them from finding a vein to insert the needle.He can't exercise because his health prevents him. 

Let’s start this uplifting post with TCY’s opinion.
            In the news today a convicted killer in Ohio is due to be executed and  has his lawyers filling an injunction stating that he is too fat to be executed. Ronald Post was convicted of killing a hotel clerk in 1983. The lawyers are saying that his weight would cause problems during the injections leading to torture and slow death. Violating his 8th amendment rights. 
            Now for the good part, HE has been in prison for 30 freakin years! Where were his lawyers worrying about his 8th amendment rights for the past 30 yrs? How do you get to weigh 480lbs on prison food?  Seems to me that if the Ohio prison system allowed a prisoner to get that FAT!! That would lead to a slow and tortured death. Plus where is the accountability to the tax payer? How much does it cost to feed the behemoth?
Bottom line, if the needle won’t kill him fast enough, a bullet will damn it! FIRE!!!!
 The Crankee Yankee

Here is a link to an article on this too fat to execute prisoner.

                Ok, so we can’t execute this guy with a needle.  We definitely couldn’t hang him, because they are afraid it would pop his head off and we don’t want that to happen to a man we are trying to execute.  They don’t have stoning anymore.  We can’t electrocute him because he is too big to fit in the chair.  So, there are a few options that I can think of.  1.) Firing Squad.  No matter how big he is, a bullet in the head will take care of the problem.  It is legal in 4 states! Yep, I googled it, but too bad it is not legal in Ohio.   2.) Poison. A large enough dosage would put him to sleep all nice nice and he would never wake up.  I'm sure we could find a prison guard to accidentally put it in one of his many meals for the day  3.) Electrocution.  Up the voltage!  People die instantaneously all the time by touching live wires.  Don’t put him on old sparky, just connect the wires directly to his arms and hit the switch.  But yes, that seems a little too inhumane, it’s not like this dude is a convicted murderer right?  4.) How about they just put him in a hospital bed, yes they can find one big enough for him to lay comfortably but can’t find something to hold him while they fry him? Anyway, get him in a hospital bed and start the morphine drip! Maybe the morphine contraption will be made in Mexico or China and it malfunctions.  That’s all I’m saying.


Arctic Char said...

Get People Off Food Stamps??

Eat better than you are right now... gorge yourself if you wish,
Never have to pay a cent and never have to wash a dish.

It's easy!! Rob a bank in Ohio, then get caught.

Iceman Ogre said...

Why Oh, Why Oh,
Did I ever go to Ohio?
To get free room and board and live like a slob?
No, I just wanted to get mentioned on The Crankee Yankees BlogA

I can rhyme too!

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