Well, this next post could be a big one. It is something TCY feels strong on and it is also something I feel strongly against. The problem is we are both stubborn and will have the last word. Anyone who knows me, knows exactly what I am about to talk about. . . SMOKING. Everyone know how I feel about smoking. Everyone also knows how TCY feels about smoking and having the free will to do what you want, especially when it comes to your own body. I will let TCY start this off. . .
To Smoke or Not to Smoke, That is The Question
It seems today that the American smoker is public enemy #1. You can't smoke in restaurants; you can't smoke in the work place, hospitals, airplanes, trains or buses. Then they extended it to you can't smoke in front of a hospital, you can't smoke in any place that hasn't been deemed a "smoking area", which is always right next to the garbage dumpster. Then the bastards were still not happy. You can't smoke in bars. What? I can't smoke in a bar? People who don't smoke, smoke in bars!Smokers, it seems are second hand citizens, we have lost our rights. Oh I hear the non- smokers, "what about our rights not to smell your smoke?" FINE!! What about my right not to smell Korean food, Indian food, and nasty farts caused by Mexican food. Or here's an idea. Why don't you stop going into places where there is smoke? That's right, it can work the other way too. If you don't like something, don't do it, don't go there, just shut the hell up and deal with it like every other generation has done."Second hand smoke will shorten our lives,” they say. OK, that should help with the social security problem’s we're having.What other smells offend you princess? What other part of society would you like to kiss your ass so that your delicate little node of yours isn't offended? Then on top of it all, they want to tax the shit out of them. I'd like to ask a question, if these utensils of calm, these little tools of tranquility are so bad for you, why aren't they illegal? I’ll tell you why. The government won't give up on anything that is bringing in taxes. As long as there are stupid people who say "if it doesn't directly impact my wallet go ahead and tax it into submission.” What they fail to understand is one day it will be something that does effect them and who will stick up for them? For instance, now they are going after soda, and junk food. Government wants to raise the taxes on those things because they are bad for you. What's next? You all just keep pointing the finger at others saying, “tax them, not me” and one day someone will be pointing their finger at you.
Fight backTCY
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I believe that each side should have a fair shot, so TCY this one if for you. |
Where to start. See, the problem I have with TCY is that with some things, I completely disagree and then there are other things I agree on. This is both. When it comes to us seeing eye to eye about the smoking issue, it's like Shrek vs. Danny Devito. But when it comes to taxes and government, it's like looking in the mirror.
So, let's start with the smoking issue. I can't stand smoking and think that if you want to smoke, smoke in your car, your house but not in public. If you want to smoke and destroy your body, that's fine with me as long as you don't force it onto me! That is why smoking is banned in restaurants, airplanes and hospitals. In bars, I have to agree a little, because I know people who only smoke when drinking but they go hand in hand and that's a different subject. Back to the point. As for having to smell it, yes, i hate the smell of smoke, i hate standing in line smelling a guy who has been smoking. The rules were not made because they don't like the smell of smoke. The rules were put in place because of the health issues from the smoke, not the smell.
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Stupid Smokers! |
For this generation to "shut the hell up and deal with it like every other generation has done", well this is a new generation and we are different that that old generation from the 60's and 70's. Things have changed with time! This generation is so different from the last. I mean, hell we can now start our cars from our smart phones 3000K miles away! We can clone living creatures, we have more information available at our fingertips than most people had their whole lives back in the 70's. Hell shut-in's can live an almost normal life because of the Internet, Amazon and E-bay because they never have to leave their house to get food, clothing or pay bills!!! If I am gonna die because of someone else, I would rather get run over by a Mack truck and get it over with than die a slow painful death from lung cancer I got from breathing in second hand smoke!
Now, let's talk about our caring and fair government, always putting it's citizens best interest first. If the government can get their hands in something to benefit them and not the people they do it. My question is they tax cigarettes, i got it. Why not legalize marijuana? Mary Jane is just a different type of plant to smoke, it's just a different type of tobacco...sort of. You inhale it, the smoke goes into your lungs, you get Lung Cancer and you die. End of story. But the government wants to fight it instead of giving in and making a shit-ton of money. If the government legalized marijuana, they could grow it themselves(Cha-Ching),they could require a license to grow and sell it(Cha-Ching) and lastly but not least...they could tax the fuck out of it(Cha-Ching)(Cha-Ching)(Cha-Ching)!!! The U.S. Government would make enough money the first year that they could pay off the national fucking debt!!! But that is just my opinion, and who the fuck am I? Just a tax paying citizen. Hell, if the government really wanted to make some $$$, why not legalize prostitution? They can monitor it, keep checks on it and tax, tax, tax it!!!
So your argument is that this generation is "different than that of the 60's and 70's and all of your exsamples are of things that make your generation a bunch of lazy asses.Your generation stands up for things through the use of the goverement. You want the police state of the US goverment to fight all of your battles, and the battles you choose are always fighting to take away someone elses rights so you can lead even more plush, non-calassing lives. Heaven forbid one of you bedwetting liberals were to ever get a blister from doing actual work.I bet the tissue industry is doing better than ever with all the fucking tears you liberty stealing,soft hearted, get the big bad smokers mother fuckers are using these days
How is the ability to clone a living creature making us a bunch of lazy asses? This new science might just one day save your life when you need a new lung and you're not allowed to be on the transplant list because you are a SMOKER!
I have to agree that some people want the government to fight some battles so they can have a little extra cushioning in their lives. The problem is you can't please everyone. Some will be happy and some will get screwed, there is no real happy median.
Wow pretty interesting. As far as smoking in a bar or any building for that matter it should be up to the buildings OWNER, not the bed wetters or the polichickens, or anyone else. TCY is right on at least one aspect of all of this, its is their body, they should be able to do as they wish with it. BUT when it comes to smoking its not just their body, if I am walking into a building the only place the lazy ass smokers want to smoke is right in front of the doors. I have no choice but to go through their nasty breath that is lingering in the air, and get it on my clothes, in my hair, etc... I think if you as a smoker are allowed to blow your smoke into the air and get it all over me then I should be able to enjoy my beer and PISS all over you. Then you can smell as bad as I do when you decide to leave the bar or what ever the building should be. Don't even try to say its not the same thing cause it is. The only difference is your blowing humid air with all of the germs and nasties that are present in your lungs, where as I am letting a flow of urine out of my bladder with all of my nasties. I don't care if you smoke in your car. Hey you paid for it, ruin the value a little more I don't give a rip. BUT don't make the assumption that I will let you smoke in my car. Not saying you personally would, but I have known people that do. Which brings us to slip seating, if you smoke then find a truck that a smoker uses and drive it. Don't get in one that a nonsmoker uses and proceed to ruin their truck. You will never get that smell out. And PICK up all of your damn ashes off the floor and everywhere else. And don't leave your cigarette butts in the truck either. At least try to show a little class and respect and clean up your mess. I find it pretty amazing that the smokers ONLY care about their right to smoke and those of us that don't can go fuck ourselves. Well fuck you too. Enjoy standing outside in the rain, cold, sleet, snow, and whatever else, pulling that crap deep into your lungs. As I walk by and laugh to myself and get in out of the weather. Just think one day you will be lying in a hospital bed hacking up chunks of black shit that used to be your lungs. If you have kids enjoy chasing them around with an oxygen tank with that hose up your nose. And don't be mad at us for laughing at you when that happens. Cause it will. Next thing about the legalizing of pot, The Government makes way more money off it being outlawed then they would ever make if it were legal.
OK, I will go along with what should definately be. The owner of the property is the only one that should be able to decide wether or not to allow smoking. Then it's up to the individual if he or she wants to enter that property. I sure we can all agree on that, Right. GOOD!!!
So it's not going to be the smokers fault when all the fun places to go are smoking allowed places ie Bars, night clubs, surely at least some resturants.You all can have starbucks, fuck them anyway. you all will have all public buildings. I'm sure however that some work places will be smoking allowed.What's funny is I know as sure as i'm breathing that if it were to happen some of you( the great offended) will show up at the bar, the nightclub, the TITTY strip joint. would you quit your job if smoking were allowed? you know I'm right so.... do now what you would do then, some people smoke DEAL WITH IT!!!!we won't stop you from drinking natural spring water( don't tell them it's really just tap water) and you stop whinning about walking through a cloud of smoke..Damn it man,
I am the worst kind of smoker----An ex-smoker. That being said, I don't give a shit what anyone else does as long as it doesn't affect me. Don't try to smoke in my house, my car, or blow the shit in my face. It is an individuals right to kill themselves if they want to. It is also the right of a property or business owner to allow smoking. It is MY right to not go there.
The Outlaw
I agree somewhat about freedom of choice.However I think the owner of the property should have final decision on if you can smoke on his property.Now if I'm a nonsmoker and you get in my car or house and light up a cig without my permission I think I should go and spit or piss in yours. But the fucking government should stay out of IT Down with Big government Go back to the way it was in the old west.If a person did you wrong shot the son of a bitch! Thats just my thinking!
Dammit y'all! Y'all is a southern word meaning you all. Damn yankees just don't understand. Or should I say it this way Dammit "yous guys" at least the yankees will understand that. I am guessing that TCY is a smoker, and that Iceman, and Pearow are not. I enjoy a nice cigar every now and then. But I in no way expect anyone to bow to my wants and or desires. If I enjoy my stogie in a truck I always open the windows and blow the smoke out the window, and have a way to collect the ashes and throw them away, so not to leave a mess in the truck. I try not to enjoy my stogies at work cause I know the fragrance from them is much more intense than from a cigarette. But here is the difference I have RESPECT for those that do not smoke. Its a southern thing yankees just wont understand. I think if you are allowed to smoke cigarettes somewhere then I should be allowed to enjoy my stogie there also. Most places wont allow cigars or pipes to be smoked in the same places as cigarettes, NOW that is discrimination. The South Will Rise Again...
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