It always amazes me how the people we look at as the poor in our society always seem to have enough money to be in all the same places as your average tax paying citizen. If this were a fair world in which we live this would not be possible. If you’re poor enough to need my money, than you should be poor enough to stay the hell out of my way when I go somewhere.Yesterday I went to the Red Box just to return a video. I arrived to find a "family" (1 dude, a fat chick and an old lady) this would be the average trailer park, welfare looking, food stamp using, child producing, white trash type. They stood there gazing with eager anticipation looking for the 3rd movie that they would view that evening. That's 6 hrs of mind numbing entertainment that cost 3 dollars IF you return the next day. However, it took so long to pick that last movie, they kept looking over and over again into the viewer as though another movie title would magically appear. Finally I spoke out and said, "It will take less time to watch the damn movie than you toothless, fat ass’s are taking to pick one.I'm not sure if it was the fat asses or the toothless part but the old lady seemed upset that I would dare to interrupt their family get together. She turned and asked me what I said. I told her I was directing my comment to the man of the group but that I would repeat my statement once more for her edification. You should have seen the look I got when I said that. Deer in the headlights my ass, this women looked at me like I was from another planet trying to communicate with her.Getting back to my point. If people are on any kind of taxpayer support, they should not have enough money to rent movies, buy cigarettes, buy booze, drugs, sex, anything. If they are taking our money to pay their bills, they shouldn't have any comforts. It's getting to the point where we cannot afford to comfort ourselves because all of our comfort money is being taken away to give to the poor, poor, pitiful poor.If you doubt what I say, drive by a poor neighborhood. You will find satellite dishes everywhere. The kids will have ipods and cell phones. Some of their cars are better than mine! They have gold chains around their necks; there is always a corner where there is plenty of drinking going on. If you where to go in their houses (section 8 houses paid for by you and I), you would find flat screen TV's, blue ray players, stereo systems that can knock the pictures off the walls. This isn't poor. Look at pictures from the 1930's, you will find torn clothes, hollowed checks from lack of food, signs looking for work. Dirt floor houses with no comforts what so ever. This is how the poor should live.No, I'm not cold. In fact I am just the opposite. I want the poor to do better. I want them to have all that society has to offer. They will never get it like this. They have no reason to go to work. They have all they could want given to them. There is no pride in achieving success when all that was needed was an out stretched hand. We should feed them oatmeal and bread. Hell, it's good enough for the starving children of Africa. That's what we feed them anyway. It keeps them alive, which is all that is required. Give them shelter, tents, it good enough for prisoners in Arizona. It keeps them alive, which is all that is required. We should clothe them, bright orange jump suits so that everyone will know that this person is being paid for by the taxpayer. Shame, yes shame like people had in the old days when they took things that they didn't work for. IF we did this, the poor would want to do better and would live the American dream just like the rest of us.Let's shake America’s fleas and ticks off the working dogs back!
Fight Back!!!TCY

Monday, January 31, 2011
Sweet Welfare Relief
Ya know, I have talked about this before. I really hate talking about it because I can't personally know what it is like to be unemployed. But when the lady in front of me is paying with her food stamps, no wait, paying with her food stamp credit card and her 2 sons are wearing the new Air Jordan's while one is listening to his ipod touch and surfing the net while the other is playing his PSP, I get a little pissed. A little pissed that my entire grocery bill could have been paid for plus extra money for the good beer, all been paid for by one of those kid's pair of sneakers. Hell, between 2 pairs of those sneakers, the ipod and PSP, that is roughly $600!!! That is 2 car payments, 3 months worth of student loan payments, 75% of my monthly mortgage bill or 20 weeks worth of gas for my car to get to work!!! And she was paying with her food stamps while I used my own money. Yet her kids have better toys and clothes than I do. WTF!!! That is the kind of shit that pisses me off to where I start to agree with TCY about welfare and food stamps. I understand the need for these services but I think the system is broken. Not just broke and needs a little repair, I mean FUBAR. FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL REPAIR. The system needs a major overhaul because people who really need it have trouble getting it and the people who don't need it are abusing it. How and why is it possible for an illegal family to get on welfare and food stamps? If they are in our country illegally, why are we paying for them? The family that can afford super brand name clothes, gadgets and games can't afford food? I think their priorities are a little fucked if you ask me. TCY agrees partly, but of course he says it a little different.
Food stamps,
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Let me start this off with I enjoy reading this. A friend told me to look at it for a good laugh. I read a few postings, thought it was funny but honestly did not expect it to continue. Well, I guess I was wrong. I check back every few days to see what the great and powerful cranky yankee has to say. I do find many of the posts amusing but I don't see how a person such as the cranky yankee can live with people that he dislikes so much.
My question to the cranky yankee is have you ever thought about the people who are on foodstamps that cannot get a better job than what they have now to make it so they won't need them? It is easier to fall from grace than to climb out of the gutter. Are you only seeing the bad apples of the bunch? To me, if poor people saw you and thought everyone who was not poor were like you, why would they ever want to not be poor? Just trying to show you the flip side. Dont categorize a few bad seeds who are taking advantage of the system ruin your view of something that has helped many people.
Well, glad you enjoy reading the blog. My goal is to make sure you are of all people are amused. Glad you had confidence in my blog.
As for your comment of, "I don't see how a person such as the cranky yankee can live with people that he dislikes so much." He doesn't have a choice. There are so many stupid people out there that it is either learn to deal with it or go take a dirt nap! Society as a whole are smart, but people as individuals are stupid.
Also, it is not cranky yankee, it is THE CRANKEE YANKEE
2 e's not a Y!!!
I think I will have admit that I agree with TCY on this one. I detest the use of scialism of any kind and foodstemps, welfare, and government houseing are classic examples. I have held as many as 3 jobs at one time in order to support myself(2 forty hour and 1 part time). If I can do it then any one can.
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