Saturday, November 6, 2010

Looters, Flamers and Mayors...Oh My!

Let's just start this off straight from what TCY wants to say.
The fall. What a great time of the year. The wind has a refreshing cool feel, the leaves are full of bright colors as they gently cascade to the ground, and of course fall baseball, the World Series. YEAH! RIGHT!!
Last night we all witnessed why certain cities in this country shouldn’t be allowed out after dark. San Francisco, well they really put a different turn on the usual use of the word Flamer.  Every time I see this I just want to scream.  A team wins a championship and to celebrate, a bunch of non-property owners burn down someone else’s property?!?  How do I know they’re not property owners? Well, because anyone that has ever had to work for something would have more respect for someone else’s property.  If it we’re me as mayor of that town, I would have ordered shoot to kill instructions to all law enforcement!  First, shoot for me for being mayor of a flamer city like San Francisco, and then shoot the little bastards that think burning down a city is the way people should celebrate. That’s how you stop this kind of stuff forever! 
Remember when I was talking about passing on genes to the next generation? Do you really think that any of these people should be allowed to pass on their genes? This is the same kind of thinking that prisoners have. They’ll burn their cells and cell blocks to protest having HBO taken away. I’d let them S.O.B’s live in their own burnt out shit holes just to show them who’s in charge here.
Which brings me back to San Francisco, Who’s in charge there anyway? A bunch of burnt out leftover flower children from the 60”s? Exactly! Remember, this is where Barbara Boxer comes from. Her friends just call her Moonbeam.  I can’t hardly contain myself when I see lines of police officers equipped with riot gear standing there holding hands and singing give peace a chance while 30 or so little punks throw rocks and burn buildings. Oh! I almost forgot, no championship is complete without LOOTING!!!!! Hey any excuse to steal what someone else has worked for is a neighborhood free for all. You steal the steaks and I’ll steal the hotdogs and we can have a cookout over the corner drugstore’s smoldering remains.
Makes me that much prouder to be a Patriots fan, 3 Super Bowl championships, No Riots!!

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