Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vote 4 Me Bitch!

So, today is November 2nd.  Let's go out and vote!  Yeah, maybe the person I vote for: President of the United States, Congressman or Governor - whomever  will make the choices I want them to make and the world will be a better place because of it.  FUCK THAT BULLSHIT!!! Phew, now that I have taken that off my chest and put it out on the world wide web, I can get on with my day.  All politicians, no matter how small or big are BIG FAT LIARS!!  They are politicians because they can tell you whatever it is that you want to hear and twist it into something that resembles a smushed up prune.  I don't believe politicians, I never have believed politicians and most importantly will NEVER believe politicians.  They only tell you what you want to hear so you will vote for them, get them elected and then they get to figure out how they can spend our money, buy their underage hookers, sniff, snort, smoke or shoot their illegal drugs with our hard earned money!  I have never met or heard a politician stick with what they have promised us.  There are always excuses but I just don't have the energy to go into it...right now.  Here is TCY's view, enjoy.  I know I always do. 
     Today is voting day, but I have a real problem with voting day here in Georgia and many other states that don’t allow alcohol purchases during the polling hours. Seriously, WTF?!?!?!  Is it me or is this just wrong?  Hey someone tell me, how does someone vote for this collection of liars and bandits with a sober mind. If we were in our right minds we’d be in Washington cleaning out their offices for good. I’m watching this year closer than most. We are electing a new batch of leaders, and they claim to be for smaller government and cutting spending. OK, well see. I smell BULLSHIT!!!  Most years the first story you hear of your new representative is how much money( your money) that he or she spent to decorate their office. I think if they are trying to cut costs, ok charge the taxpayer for a coat of paint, you know, to get the stink out from the representative that was voted out. The furniture that is there is GOOD ENOUGH!!! Hell the guy that bought it before you spent a small fortune for it. The taxpayers should only buy office furniture once every 10 years, those jokers are never in their offices anyway. Try to call one at the office see how many times they are in there! 
     Back to the alcohol. Funny that we the people elect people who always do things that we the people don’t want, and we let them get away with it.  Remind your congressman that we have elected a representative, not a daddy, not a babysitter!  We don’t need them to run our lives, hell most of them can’t even run theirs.  If we want booze, we don’t need some pampas ass to tell me no,  not today. BITE ME!  We are grown people, as a matter of fact we are their damn boss!  We need only a group of citizens that will serve as a member of the governing body. Congressmen were never intended to be in Washington as their full time job. Funny thing about this no alcohol is that tonight when you watch the results, the first thing they do is POP A TOP on some champagne to celebrate. What are they celebrating, aren’t they going there to work?

Why does a person spend millions on advertisements running a campaign for a job that pays less than 200,0000 a year? Maybe if I had a job that allowed me to give myself a raise I’d celebrate too.

So, my answer to this is if the governor, mayor, president, senator, congressman or whomever wants to "help us" and do "what's best for us", then why not knock down his salary down to what a normal hard working man gets paid and treat him the way an employee is treated but also expect from him or her what we all would expect from an employee.  There are perks but there are also rules and policies.  Let's say the President, yes the President of the United States of America gets 200K a year.  And let's say he works a 14 hour day.  Now this doesn't count his breaks playing golf, banging interns in the oval office, going into bathroom stalls to pick up men or even hunting fellow co-workers, errr I mean ducks.  Just 14 hours of hard, honest work. That is 70 hours a week, because on the weekend he is sitting in his giant, well manicured white house, watching the ball game like any other warm blooded American will do.   Anyway, 200K at 52 weeks a year is $3,846 a week for 70 hours a week is $55 an hour.  Not too shabby.  I can fully justify paying a man $55 an hour with all the bullshit he has to put up with and do BUT and I repeat BUT if that guy I am paying $55 an hour for fucks up, repeatedly and goes against company policy and goes behind his boss's back and steals and cheats and lies, he will be verbally warned, then written up one or twice or three times but finally he will be SHIT CANNED OUTTA HERE!!!!  After all, the President works for us, for the people.  We voted for him and he serves us!  Well damn it, the next time a politician does something against public policy.  We need to get HR involved and fire his ass before he can file a disability claim!!!

Hot damn, didn't mean to write that much but I feel much better now.  I may have been more cranked up than The Crankee Yankee but damn it all to hell, I too am a cranky yankee.  But by no means can I comare to the original.

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