Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Food Stamps for the Non-Deserving

Well, this is just too easy when TCY just gives it to me like this.   Below is from the man himself.
     "We here in the good ole USA find it in our hearts to want to take care of the less fortunate people among us by giving them certain compensations for being so dam incompetent. One of those compensations is the food stamp.
The thought of helping feed those who have fallen on hard times is a basic human desire, and it is commendable. However!!!! Never under estimate the willingness of the welfare citizens of the US. to bite the hand that deeds it.
They just don’t want to be fed, but to be fed damn good. I’ve seen the big T-bone steaks and the occasional lobster not to mention candy, soda, mother-fuckin Twinkies and so on. These big fat hoards of human debris fill the check out lines at any grocery store you visit. Do you think I’m lying? When is the last time you saw a skinny welfare recipient ? THEY DON’T EXIST!!!!!!
Have you ever tried to confront dregs of society about their flamboyant food purchases, they’ll fight for their "right" to buy what they want with "their" stamps.
We are so good to these social leeches that we OVER feed the fat SOBS to the point of making them unhealthy. OH, that’s right unhealthily fat, lazy and nothing but a constant drain on society.
And then they’ll tell us hard working tax payers that we will now have to pay the doctor bills that being fat slobs have caused.
Recently there has been talk about taking soda off the list of things that can be bought on food stamps, I say instead let’s come up with a list of what you can buy. Here is such a list:
  • Hamburger--- not steak, if I can’t afford to buy it for myself I damn sure can’t afford to buy it for them.
  • Chicken
  • Lunch meat---not that they are going to work and will need a lunch
  • Spaghetti
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit juices
  • Rice
 If they want sea food let them go and catch it. They have all day…
No precooked meals—their not working, they have time to prepare their own meals
No sweets whatsoever—if they want to be fat, work for it like the rest of us lard assess
If you let these people have everything that a working person has why would they want to go to work?
And if you continue to let them get FAT on the taxpayer, the fat sobs will continue to be un- hireable.
I want to get in a check out line and for once have better food in my buggy than the fat fucks I’m forced by a government gun to support. Think of how much fun you could have showing off all the stuff in your buggy that’s not on their list of food you can buy on stamps. I want to dangle my Twinkies right in their big fat faces. Hey, I bet you’d be able to trade some Twinkies for sex in some neighborhoods.
Fight back!"
-The Crankee Yankee
When TCY wants to say something, he does.  There is no holding him back.


raving husk said...

this is coming from a man who blames his ever-extending waist line on his wife - for packing him toooo big of a lunch.....wtf??????

Anonymous said...

Is capone slim on foodstamps, oh the truth hurts.

Capone Slims said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
robot smoke said...

What pisses me off is having to stand in line behind these batards for thirty minutes. shouldn't there be a separate line for these idiots. we re paying for ther food lets go ahead and give them their own special place in this world. We'll call it the looser line....

Pearow said...

I think they should also have to use STAMPS, not these debit cards, HELL yea put some shame in the fact that you are taking my money to support your lazy ass for not wanting to work. Also lets make it a specific time line you are allowed to keep taking my money. I think 6 months is MORE than enough time to get back to work. And if for some reason 6 months isn't enough time then you should be required to show proof that you are doing all that you can to find a job. AND if you get yourself knocked up while on food stamps then you automatically loose a portion of my money that you are stealing.