Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Be A Caveman!!!

Football season just brings out the warm loving side of TCY.  It shows he has a caring and nurturing side of him that not many people ever get to see. Let's see what you think...

The NFL is starting to go the way of the rest of the country. First it was wear pink to support breast cancer. Now it's stop hitting so hard. Really? We as men in this country are going to stand by and watch them turn the NFL into Fag football?  I mean Flag Football. No!  Hell No!!!  I did mean Fag football. This week was riddled with terrible calls telling 258 lb men to stop hitting so hard. WTF?!?!  All of their lives they have been taught to hit hard, hit often and inflict pain on the poor individual that has the balls of invading your space.  2010, we are telling some of the toughest players the sport has ever known to play nice, don’t get hurt, hold hands and sing Sunshine on My Damn Shoulders.  We have ladies on the sidelines telling us things about our sport that most of them don't understand. At first they were all good looking so we quietly accepted this. This week I seen a giblet jawed 40-something female on the sidelines giving her 2 cents on what the boys were doing on the field.  How would women like it if we started putting ugly guys in soap opera’s?  Women, really is this what you want, feminized men?  
Suppose the world went under a nuclear war tomorrow and all the people of the world became tribal.
·        Would you want a feminized man to protect you or a fuckin beast of a man?
·        Would you rather be caressed and gently laid in the bed and softly have love made to you?
·        OR would you rather be ravaged, thrown into the bed and have your world rocked!!! Your right:  ROCK ON BABY!!
And if this world goes medieval again, and it will, no woman is going to be looking for DR. Phil to help her. She'll be looking for THOR. But where will all the Thors be? This country in turning all the Thor's into Pansy-Asses, sensitive,Fem-Men. That's right FEM_MEN!
Let men be men and weed out the weak. If you’re afraid to get hurt, stay home! Nature does this all the time, it's called survival. Only the strong survive, and only the strong pass on genes to the next generation. In Nature, if the weak and sick got to mate, it would doom the species. Are we doomed yet? Pretty damn near!
Be a caveman!  The women say they don't like it but they lie... look at biker chicks. They're hot, little, young things hanging out with older, ugly, smelly, disgusting men. Why? Because they're MEN!!
So be a FEM-MAN and end up with sweet Poly Pure Bread who will nag you to your deathbed or be a CAVEMAN and get a hottie who will serve your every need.

-Fight Back!!

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