Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What's the Greatest Nation in the world??? DONation!

I hate when TCY has a good point.  Sometimes it drives me nuts to agree with him but I have to agree on this.  Read first, then I will comment.
Sometimes I feel like a dinosaur.  It seems to me more and more everyday that the world I was born into has went away and the world I'm in now isn't even a shadow of the one I find myself missing.
I was listening to one of the thousand toy drives for foster children that goes on during the Christmas season.  I could hardly believe my ears. The host of this drive said that you pick a child and you get a list of 3 toys that the child wants and you go into the store and buy all 3 items.  Now forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't it the thought and not the gift?  When exactly did Christmas become the time of year when you get precisely what you want?
We in the past have asked our children what do you want Santa to bring you to get an idea of what they might like, not to get a list that must be matched to the letter.  If I were to give to a toy drive, I'm buying what I want.  I'm not letting someone tell me "you must buy this item"!  Excuse me but Fuck That!  My wife tried this the other day.  We're shopping for a child that doesn't even talk yet, a baby, and my wife tells me we HAVE to get this item because that is what the MOTHER says her child would like. WHAT!!  This kid doesn't even talk.  I could give this kid cardboard and it would be happy but the MOOOTHERRR....say's the kid needs a 30.00 dollar toy. This is not the spirit of giving; this is the spirit of pick pocketing.  I will not be forced to buy a Christmas GIFT!!  GIFT people, do you understand the concept of GIFT?!?
I learned this important lesson when I was small, and I remember it like it was yesterday.  It was Christmas Eve and my Uncle had come over to give my brother and me a gift.  I opened mine first.  It was a Lincoln Log set.  My brother was next.  He opened a beautiful toy gun set.  I looked at the gun set with envy and opened my mouth saying "OH. You got a better gift than me!"  Before I got the me out of my mouth my mother had applied a right cross that would have made Tyson proud!  I made my parents embarrassed.  I embarrassed myself and my uncle.  I learned, as the swelling went down, that it was the thought not the gift.
Maybe it's way past overdue for a couple of kids to get the right cross? I’m just saying.
Grown-ups also need to learn this.  I have been asked this year by a couple of people what I want for Christmas.  My answer is true to the heart when I say, PEACE. Think about it. Your entire day is spent fighting something or someone for something. You fight at work, either to get your job done or to try to move up.  Hell, sometimes just to be heard!  You fight at home for the kids to listen, the wife to listen, the fuckin dog to listen.  You fight for parking spots!  You fight to pay bills, which is becoming a fight which is harder and harder to win these days. Wouldn't it be nice if someone could give you the gift of peace?
My gift to all of you this Christmas is to remind you that there is one who gives the gift of peace. Jesus.  He said, "My peace I give you.”  My wish is that you all experience this year, the peace of the Lord.  It is true when you hear Jesus is the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas

Ok, I have to agree with TCY about the donation part.  A donation, according to Webster is:

Definition of DONATION

: the act or an instance of donating: as
a : the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
b : a free contribution : gift
See that part above? It says, wait, let me make it bigger...It says a free contribution: gift. It doesn't say a specific gift, or only if the receiver really wants it.  It just says a gift, the act of donating, the making of a gift especially to a charity.  If I was going to donate to a charity and the charity asked for specific toys for children, say a 500 piece Star Wars Death Star Lego Set, then they would get a bag filled with coal as a donation.  Wait, fuck that.  Coal is too expensive.  They would get a bag full of clay, not dirt but clay.  Dirt is hard to come by in the south, but there is plenty of clay! 

"Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit."

     Figured you might like this one TCY, enjoy! With the problems we have over-seas and worrying about terrorists and bombings and all that wonderful cheerful crap, I think the best way to deal with it is by joking and making fun of it.  If you take all the problems too serious, you will end up snapping, jumping off a bridge or throwing someone off a bridge.  Let's not talk about that now, don't want to give anyone any ideas, let's wait until after New Year's and then plant that seed in a few people's heads.  So enjoy and don't get offended by this.  It is all in fun and laughter, so lighten up, laugh and enjoy.  I know I did. 


Pearow said...

Jeff D. is awsome. If you were offended by jingle bombs then you don't have a sense of humor, and probably shouldn't be reading this blog. Even though he "drives a baby blue prius and plays with dolls" he can come over and sit at my table anytime he wants.

Pearow said...

I almost forgot If you are begging me for a piece of my hard earned life to GIVE as a gift to someone DON'T tell me what I have to give. Cause then its no longer a charitable thing. Its an obligation, at which point you are steeling from me. If you ASK me to give a gift and I do, don't bitch that it was cheep or the person didn't like it. I must have grew up in a similar way as TCY cause I knew what being humble was at a early age. And it has stuck with me my whole life, and I think I am a better person for it.

Iceman Ogre said...

If I could have dinner with some people, it would definately be J. Dunham with Peanut, Jose, Ahmed and maybe Sweet Daddy D. Also, would love to have Christopher Titus, because you have to have a little crazy there. Eddie Murphy, Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler. That would be a nice quiet dinner, right?