Thursday, December 9, 2010

Growing Old is Mandatory

     I positively, 100%, abso-freakin-lutely love it when TCY states something that you think, but you share with your significant other but never, ever share with the general public.  Yet here he goes, doing what he does best...bitchin and whining about something that most of us civilized people of society would never actually say out loud.  Yes, the majority of us think it, but none of us have the stones to say it, or the lack of brain power to say it. Check this shit out.
I had a thought while wondering around Wal-Mart this weekend. I had always thought that growing old would suck, but what I seen this week made me change my mind. Now this stuff happens all the time and I'm sure you've seen it but didn't pay much attention to it.
Old people have got it made!  Being Old is like having a license to do whatever you want to whoever you want and it's all for free.  Example, a little old lady is walking in the isle of Wal-Mart.  She doesn't look left or right as she comes out into the main isle running down the middle of the store.  Now if she hits you, she will look at you like you’re some kind of idiot for not having seen her in time for you to stop for her.  If you hit her.... brother you'd better run.   She will cut you 3 ways deep, wide and frequent with that little wrinkled up old mouth of hers.  She will call you anything but a child of God, and what can you do? NOTHING!!!  She's an old woman.  If you yell back you’re the ass, if you blame her, you’re the ass. It gets better.  Old people can and do use racial slurs, and what can you do? That's right, NOTHING!!  An old person can look you right in the face and call you the dreaded N word, or a Spic,  Jap, Heeb, Whop, Kike.  I think you get the picture. Then they can flip you off and walk away. They can call you an asshole tell you to fuck off, tell you you’re a jerk off or that you should have just been a cum stain.  And you can do nothing except take it.  If you turn on these older ass wipes the crowd will turn on you with everything they have including violence. Yes when you’re old you’re immune to all of society’s rules. You can fart in public, burp in restaurants, you can piss yourself and people will feel bad and help you into your clean shorts. You can go for days without a bath and no one will ever speak of how terrible you rank. Yes it's all true. I can't wait to get old. I want to see the looks on people’s faces when I try out my new found powers.
The trick is knowing when you’re old enough.  Too soon and you’re a dead mother... Try it out.  Dress like an old fart, go into Wal-Mart and try it. It’s better than cable TV

I have to say that when I am a senior citizen, I will be one of those mean old men that does what he wants and still calls others an Asshole while I burp, fart and scratch myself all at the same time.  I don't know if I will go as far as to refer to people as they should have been just a cum stain but you never know.  The future is bright and unpredictable.  Maybe in 40 years when I am in my little rascal in a Super-Duper-MEGA Wal-mart('Cause we all know in the future, Wal-Mart will be running this country), running over little children, giving people the big long finger in the middle, and maybe...just maybe flashing a few people.  Will it be intentional or accidental, well it depends on what kind of mood I am in.   So with that being said, enjoy this nice little song from Dennis Leary, which sums up TCY when he is in his ripe old age.


Pearow said...

Hell I'll be 35 in a couple of days and do much of that stuff now. I must say when and or if I get to be called a "senior citizen" I will be the dirty old man, I will cuss everyone under the age of me, use racial slurs and blame it on Alzheimer's, with a little turrets thrown in for good measure. Yea go ahead and step in front of me now you will get run over, UNLESS you are a very purtty young women, or a child. Lets say 13 and younger. Anyone else and your a flat greasy spot. I cant wait to be old, the best part then is MOST people wont fight back then as some will do now. Old FARTS unite!!!

Iceman Ogre said...

Hell, I'm a dirty old man now. So what is going to happen when I hit 65? They may have a new term for dirty, dirty old men then. Come to think of it, I might have a case of Turrets now. I find myself uncontrollably saying bad words in inappropriate places. I think turrets kicks in when my stress levels start to go up. that explains why on my way to work everyday, I can't control myself.